Journey into imaginal realms
Journey into imaginal realms
Enter into artful beauty NADAZUL Journey into imaginal realms & iconic spaces
Enter into artful beautyNADAZULJourney into imaginal realms & iconic spaces


Welcome to Nadazul ! You are experiencing a path into deep soulful engagement, beauty, the sacred and works to explore death literacy, part library, art gallery, living artful space as an experiment that engages you as you spend time here. The physical art gallery is relocating from Asheville into a virtual space for the time being and currently, artwork and commisions will be available in a online store the first of the year. The focus is on smaller icons that range between 200 to 275 dollars.                                                                         VISION: Making space sacred.Pieces of beauty to enhance the art of ritual making bringing soulful comfort to those times when spirit is at its most prime for bringing forth change to the journey.To surpass the coordinates of space and time of past, present and future, language, culture, the image thus accessing the planes, the journey of the union or yoga of creative imaginal space that energizes the soul and spirit.

Introducing Sacred Space Inner Rooms of Prayer

Beauty and imagination the elements for creation of images of icons, of healing shrines and altars for awakening and healing creative energies.


We have a profound awakening

when we create our place in the environment.


We have all experienced a sacred space we even have

 at times become aware of

 that space being a temple  –a living temple. An inner poem a poem that is gifted from a sacred tide of grace.

 Most important is the personal vitality to embody

 a symbolic representations of our visual patterns a kind of 

 language of beauty,sacred inner temple as manifested

 for holding space.   

                                                     Visit the Icon Gallery 



The highest dimension of spirit is the primordial state of voidness and infinite awareness. All things are like the cloudless sky, and the naked, immaculate intellectual intellect is like unto a translucent void without circumference or center. The Sufis name luminous visionary imaginal world Alam Al Mithal.



The name nada zul is an amalgam a juxtaposition of the root nada a Spanish word nada for empty, for nothing, no mind similar to the Hindu word neti. Zul from azure the color for humanity. A rich blue from the stone from lapis lazuli used as a color or stone in great ethnic cultures a visual ambiance of the sacred AND IS STRAIGHT OUT OF FAIRY TALES OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. Nadazul signifies the deepest compassion in the well of emptiness flowing into the mystery of our humanness when combined becomes imagination and inspiration emerging out of emptiness where no mind goes. Where ultimately to see and to hear as silence allowing art to become prayer.



Creator of the universe,

how infinite and astonishing

are your worlds.

Thank you

for your sacred art

in the sustaining presence.


Divine imagination,

forgive my blindness,

open all my eyes.

Reveal the light of truth.

Let original beauty

guide by every stroke.


Universal creativity,

flow through me, from my heart

through my mind to my hand,

infuse my work with spirit

to feed hungry souls.

 Alex Grey


The gallery is a  catalog of both recent and earlier works in mixed media, assemblage, video slide shows and is offered as artifacts, creations that call forth as neo-icons meaning works that embody sacred storytelling in our everyday experiences.


My works are "remedies" or "hyper – content", that is to say, a conjoining of the real in the digital. Bits broke off from other works and refitted as mosaics, juxtaposed for my own experience. They express inner, creative storytelling, iconic graphical montages meant to induce inquiry, question identity and investigate belonging, suffering, mortality, awakening, human connection. These works contain layers, they reveal a mystical reverence for the imaginal, that realm of the creative imagination I characterize as the creative commons. This magical place is a collective of image formation without ownership or restriction, an open range of imagery – defenseless grazing landscapes of rare aesthetic beauty.


My Hispanic, colonial, Catholic upbringing, as well as my interest in the passion and suffering and religious iconography,  should be evident.

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© Jose Osio